Welcome to your Israel Tour Experience!

Israel - The land where It ALL happened! So many sights to see, so many experiences to absorb!

Join me for an expedition to the heart, history, sights, sounds and flavours of Israel - The holy land.

Licensed Tour Guide
Member of ITGA

Classic Jerusalem Day Tour (6-8 Hrs)

Classic Jerusalem Day Tour (6-8 Hrs)

Our day will take us through: * 4 quarters of the old city * The Wailing wall * Via Dolorosa * Church of the Holy Sepulchre * The old city Bazar * Local foods, spices and more! ** optional: Short tour, about 3 hrs ** Meeting point: Jaffa Gate- Old city

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Tel Aviv for a day- A city is born!

Tel Aviv for a day- A city is born!

Stroll through the young city's streets and visit: * Open museum depicting the early stages and plans of the city * See the first streets and "meet" some of the original residents * Hall of Independence (extra payment required) * City architecture developing- UNESCO heritage site! * Local foods on and around the main boulevard ** Whole day (6-8 Hrs) or Half day (3-4 Hrs) ** Meeting at the Shalom Tower- Eastern entry

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Jaffa- Ancient and new! (3,6 Hrs optional)

Jaffa- Ancient and new! (3,6 Hrs optional)

What will we see? * Old Jaffa port * Andromeda rock and the myth * 15th century BC Egyptian gate * St Peter's church and the house of Simon the leather tanner * Food and produce market, Flee market **Meeting point: Clock tower square, Jaffa

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A full day tour of The city of Haifa and the holy Mount Carmel

A full day tour of The city of Haifa and the holy Mount Carmel

What sites are planned for the day? * Yefe Nof observation point * Bahai gardens * "Stella Maris"-Carmelite church * German & Persian colonies * "Wadi Nisnas" market **Meeting point: Dan Panorama Hotel- Carmel centre

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Produce Markets- Short tour options (Usually 3 hrs)

Produce Markets- Short tour options (Usually 3 hrs)

See how the market works! * Taste special local and world dishes * Meet with local shop keepers, hear their stories * Visit historical sites engulfed by the bustling market ** Meeting point: "Magen David" Square

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Masada and the Dead Sea- Full day tour

Masada and the Dead Sea- Full day tour

What is on the day's agenda? * Observation point and sea level, as we cross down * Ein Geddi nature reserve (optional) * Masada fortress, cable car ride both ways. * Lunch at Masada * Time at the beach! ** Meeting point: Pickup from your hotel!

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Meeting point for our tours

All tours originate from Yavne, my home town. Pickups can be arranged, as well as meeting points to suite your own request!

Allow me to Introduce myself. My name Is Allen, and aside from being your tour guide I am, more Importantly, a proud father, and young grandfather!
Born in the USA, I have made "Aliya" (If you are not familiar with the term, I will gladly explain It when we meet!) as a child, and I have lived In the beautiful land of Israel ever since.
When I decided to embark on the assignment of mediating Israel and Its sights, heritage and history-It was with a clear sense that your needs, Interests and desires are my first and foremost goal. Native English speaker, I have lived In this country most of my life and love It dearly.
Being a tour guide is not only a vocation, but also a profession. To meet the requirements I have completed the certification studies, and I carry a state license to practice as an official tour guide!
It Is my true wish to bring to life the thousands of years of history, conquests and defeats, religions and cultures-to make YOUR visit as meaningful and enjoyable as I possibly can.
Lets embark on a fascinating journey together!

Romeo and Donna Del Rosario

Romy and I can only say WOW! This has been such a wonderful tour- A dream come true for both of us, and with your help have gotten to know a little bit about your blessed country / home. We go home wit a better appreciation of another country and its people and culture. Please continue to do what you are doing, you are great at it! Shalom, Romeo and Donna Del Rosario Haywood, California


Michelle Brandstadt

★★★★★ a month ago My first trip to Israel was an amazing experience, thanks in large part to our tour guide, Allen. The depth and range of his knowledge is unbelievable. After spending five days with Allen, we gained an in-depth understanding of Israel's past and current history as well as a deeper understanding of many of the religious histories in the area. No question went unanswered, and Allen handled all of them with respect and humor (his wit is awesome!).

Alex Porath

★★★★★ This was my first time being in Israel. I recently got engaged to a native born Israeli. I know it was very important to him as well as to myself to gain a deep understanding of Jerusalem. We left this task to Allen Gill and he truly exceeded our expectations. While on the tour we learned the significance and were able to experience the history of the City of David, the underground tunnels, and the Western Wall. Allen's deep understanding of the various subjects along with his passion was truly impressive. We were only with Allen for 6 hours; however, what I was exposed to and the understanding that I gained was a week worth of work. I will definitely recommend Allen's services to anyone looking to experience the history of Israel.

Elad Mena

★★★★★ I am a native born Israeli who has lived in the US for 15 years. I recently got engaged to my fiance who has never been to Israel. As a devout Zionist Jew there is nothing i wanted more than to provide my fiance with a meaningful experience in Jerusalem. Even though i have studied in and vistied Jersulem many times, I entusted Allen Gil to provide this experience to her. Little did I know, that Allen would show us places that I have never seen and teach us of history that I have never known before. Allen's historical (both biblical and modern) expertise is expansive, relevant and interesting. His knowledge of Israel's geography and its landmarks, and that of its holy and capital city, is just as impressive. From beautiful vistas overlooking the entire city of Jerusalem, to the underground tunnels through the City of David and to the Western Wall, and to the historical quarters of the ancient city of Jerusalem, Allen provided us with an educational, memorable, meaningful, and entertaining experience that we will never forget. I will reccomend Allen's services to all who come to visit Israel.

Susan Litman

★★★★★ I cannot recommend Alon enough as a guide. The depth of his knowledge is incredible--he was without a doubt the best guide we had on our trip to Israel last year, and we learned more from him than anyone! He will go to great lengths to ensure that your experience leaves you satisfied, but also wanting to return as soon as possible to discover even more. We are already planning another trip and are hoping he won't be too booked up! :)

Lauren Mellinger

★★★★★ A guided tour with Allen Gill is an absolute MUST on your next visit to Israel. You could not ask for a more knowledgeable guide - with great English and a sense of humor too! I'm definitely looking forward to my next trip :)

Zak Raab

★★★★★ I have lived in Israel and tour the Old City of Jerusalem many times and I was impressed by how much Allen knew and how little I knew. He was very nice and carrying and took the time to understand the wants, needs, and education level of us to ensure we had the best time possible. Will definitely tell all my friends to use him when they come and visit as well as use him again when we hopefully return soon! (Posted on Facebook June 2018)

Rinat Becher Yogev

★★★★★ We had friends from abroad visit us in Israel and together, we had a great time exploring Jerusalem with Allen. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful sights and learning interesting stories and facts about the region. We were able to see a wonderful blend of old and new in Jerusalem even with young kids. We particularly enjoyed Allen’s company. He was highly knowledgeable, patient and flexible with us which made all the difference. Allen is the best! (Posted on Facebook April 2018)

Reviewed by ArlingtonGarth_R

★★★★★ Allen was such a wonderful guide. He shared so much fascinating information on every conceivable topic related to the sites we visited. He understood us so well and took us to the places we wanted to see most, paced the trip at our speed, and adapted constantly to ensure we had the best possible time. We visited many areas: Jerusalem, Tiberias, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caeserea, Nazareth, the Golan Heights. Allen knew so much about everything, including history, religion, politics, great food places, terrific shops, etc.--but he made sure he told us what we wanted to know and gave us room to just chat or hang out at times. He was a delightful and helpful companion. I would recommend anyone going to Israel in any size group contact him for help!

On Tripadvisor

Jon M.

Hi Allen, Thanks again for guiding us through Israel. We learned so much from you. Your knowledge on the history and practices of all the ethnic and religious groups was amazing. Enclosed is the picture that was taken with the 4 in my party. Take care, Jon

Israel- Some facts image
The state of Israel was founded on Friday May 14th, 1948. The next day the British Mandate, that lasted 30 years ends!
But the story starts earlier...The year 70 brings about the Roman destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and 2000 years of exile to the people of Israel.
Fast forward to 1882, the beginning of the Zionist movement and the return of Jews from the diaspora to Israel. Then under the rule of the Ottoman empire, neglected and oppressed by corrupted local rulers the new settlers know days of severe difficulty, Illness and poverty.
The story of the foundation of this young and prosperous country Is fascinating and defiantly one we will discuss when you choose to arrive!

Here are some facts that might interest you:
  • In total Israel covers about 28,000 square kilometres. That Is only about a fifth of the state of New York!
  • The Israeli currency is NIS which stands for New Israeli Shekel.
  • Metric system Is used, distances are In kilometres.
  • Driving on the right side of the road. 30 years of British mandate have left us many positive things, thankfully driving on the wrong side wasn't one of them!
  • 3 Sea ports connect us to the world: Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat.
  • 2 International airports- "Ben Gurion" and the newly commissioned "Ramon" airport (July 2018).
  • Route 90 is the longest road in Israel, crossing from north to south, and stretches an amazing 480 Km (about 300 miles...)

Museum of Jewish underground soldiers

Museum of Jewish underground soldiers

Form 1918 To 1948, British mandate over what was called "Palestine" was fought against!

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Views of the Golan Heights

Views of the Golan Heights

About 1200 square kilometres, loaded with beauty and history. A piece of land well worth visiting.

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Street art OR Graffiti?

Street art OR Graffiti?

How are the two different, or are they?

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Jerusalem- I am back!

Jerusalem- I am back!

After 3 long months i have returned to the city. I missed it so!

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No time like the present!

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