"Machane Yehuda" Market and history In Jerusalem

Produce markets are always fun. "Machane Yehuda" nestled In the heart of Jerusalem, is no exception- In fact, It may very well be the rule...

But then its much more! It Is also an important part of modern age Jerusalem. Mid 1850's the city starts to venture out of the confines of the walls surrounding the old city since 1537.
Its is all but easy! Although conditions inside the 1(!) square kilometer of city (Yes, That Is It!) are terrible, diseases, plagues and staggering mortality rates do not match the concerns people have from the great outdoors-  where bandits and wild animals roam free...

Starting 1860, the first neighborhoods are built. Starting close to the old city (Mishkenot Shaananim) and slowly moving west, along the route (hardly a road at the time) towards Jaffa.

Machane Yehuda was one of those. Started at 1887, located on the way to the old city, It attracts farmers from the adjacent villages, which find that they can save a bit of effort, selling their produce closer to the origin.

It will develop to a market! And more neighborhoods will be built, which means a lot more history and many more Interesting stories need to be told...

In the picture you can see a special synagoge - It too has a couple stories to tell you!

Want to join me and immerse yourselves In many more stories, colors and yammy tastes? Call and we will make a date of It!