Views of the Golan Heights

The Golan Heights are located East of the Jordan Valley, Sea of Galilee and the northern Jordan river.
Towering from 300 to about 1100 meters AMSL, Its part of the geological "aftermath" of the Dead Sea Transform, a huge rift valley stretching from as far as Tanzania in the South, to the south of Turkey, about 6000 kilometres (3700 miles long!).

The terrain is the result of various volcanic phenomena, traced back from about 3.5 to 5.5 million years ago, to as "recent" as several ten's of thousand's of years ago.

Rich in historical events and evidence, from ancient (prehistoric) burial sites "Dolmen's", and the Incredible megalithic "Rujm El-Hiri"- purpose of which is a conundrum, to Judaic and Jewish temples dating as far back as the second temple and Byzantine era. Lots to see!

The bible mentions (Deuteronomy 4 43) the Golan as part of the land of the tribe of Menashe:
"Bezer in the wilderness on the plateau belonging to the Reubenites, Ramoth in Gilead belonging to the Gadites, or Golan in Bashan belonging to the Manassites"

Of course, there are many nature sites- Volcanic park, natural springs with pools to soak in- natural or man made, hikes, The "Golan Trail", bike trails and more.

Picture Curtesy of Dr. Avishay Taicher- PicWiki

The Golan Is also the home to about 45,000 inhabitants- About 22,000 Jews and 23,000 Druz (2015 census data).
The modern day Golan is a great vacation site. Places to stay, visit and enjoy. A multitude of choices In good "Wine & Dine" options, as well as wineries and other speciality manufacturers you could visit.

And there Is more! Battles fought In old and recent times, spy stories, heroic attempts to repopulate and....

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