Israel- Some facts image
The state of Israel was founded on Friday May 14th, 1948. The next day the British Mandate, that lasted 30 years ends!
But the story starts earlier...The year 70 brings about the Roman destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and 2000 years of exile to the people of Israel.
Fast forward to 1882, the beginning of the Zionist movement and the return of Jews from the diaspora to Israel. Then under the rule of the Ottoman empire, neglected and oppressed by corrupted local rulers the new settlers know days of severe difficulty, Illness and poverty.
The story of the foundation of this young and prosperous country Is fascinating and defiantly one we will discuss when you choose to arrive!

Here are some facts that might interest you:
  • In total Israel covers about 28,000 square kilometres. That Is only about a fifth of the state of New York!
  • The Israeli currency is NIS which stands for New Israeli Shekel.
  • Metric system Is used, distances are In kilometres.
  • Driving on the right side of the road. 30 years of British mandate have left us many positive things, thankfully driving on the wrong side wasn't one of them!
  • 3 Sea ports connect us to the world: Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat.
  • 2 International airports- "Ben Gurion" and the newly commissioned "Ramon" airport (July 2018).
  • Route 90 is the longest road in Israel, crossing from north to south, and stretches an amazing 480 Km (about 300 miles...)