1909 Is Tel Aviv's birthday! The first city in the revived Jewish returns to the land of Israel, will turn out to be a metropolis, financial centre of the state- and the host to the declaration of independence of the new state of Israel!
From history (although short...) to architecture, from business to fun- nothing Is quite like it. There is so much to do. Here are a few Ideas:
- A walk down memory lane. The first streets of a new born city, who built It? How and why? What is the connection of a new city to 66 sea shells?
- "Shalom Meir" tower, Tel Aviv's first sky scraper Is house to historical art and a model of the British city plan of 1920's ("Patrick Geddes plan").
This Iconic building "fathers" the Israel heritage conservation committee, we will learn that chain of events. - The "White City" of Tel Aviv, a world heritage site. how does this come to be, that the largest number of "Bauhaus" architecture are located here?
- Independence Hall: A fascinating story about one of the first 66 houses of the city, later to change to a museum and be venue to a crucial moment in the life of our nation.
- Night life, well honestly there Is simply so much to say and do...
"Star Of David" Square- "Carmel" market